Zoë Stroobosscher
Zoë Stroobosscher is an Engineering Technician at the Smart Irrigation and Hydrology (SIAH) lab, located at the University of Florida (UF) – Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC). Her role is to manage and assist projects related to precision irrigation and agrohydrology technologies to maximize water use for crop production, while simultaneously minimizing environmental impacts. Zoë is also pursuing her master’s in interdisciplinary Ecology at UF, through which she is investigating how to increase the adoption of available phosphorus-sustainable technologies in the Indian River Lagoon region.
Prior to her position at UF, Zoë was a pollution mapping coordinator for the Ocean Research & Conservation Association (ORCA) in Fort Pierce, FL working on the data collection and tracking of pollutants reaching the Indian River Lagoon and other waterways. Zoë has a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Calvin University with previous work in water quality monitoring. She joined the SIAH lab in 2021.