Maria Torres
Maria Torres is a doctoral student in the Plant and Environmental Sciences (PES) at Clemson University. Her STEPS research explores biosensors for monitoring phosphorus in soil. She works on theme 2 with Dr. Eric McLamore and Dr. Geisianny Moreira. She is a Food Engineer from Universidad del Valle, Colombia. Maria has a background researching whey and whey-protein coal and films for food. Her research interests include food safety, food preservation, processing from pre-harvest to post-harvest and their interactions with the soil. Maria wants to create solutions through devices or techniques to help communities in need by working with interdisciplinary areas of knowledge hand in hand with social engineering. In her spare time, she likes to travel, try different cuisines, do yoga and read in nature. As a student leader in her country, Maria promoted solutions to local problems with engineering faculty and students. She advocated for female empowerment and women in STEM academia. Maria Torres also enjoys art, music and learning new things in her spare time.