Kim Bourne is a Postdoctoral Research Scholar with the Appalachian State University Research Institute for Environment, Energy, and Economics. Her research focuses on formal integration of stakeholder and expert knowledge into environmental models. Within STEPS, her work will focus on exploring methods of formalizing interdisciplinary research integration and collaboration through boundary objects as well as other convergence tools. Kim joined the STEPS team after graduating with her PhD in Environmental Engineering from Duke University in 2022. Her dissertation explored the ways in which the representation of uncertainty, incorporation of stakeholder input, and complexity of social-environmental system models impact its ability to inform policy. Kim uses novel modeling methods to support environmental decision-making. Throughout her dissertation work, she utilized Bayesian statistics and machine learning techniques to model complex environmental dynamics. In creating these models, Kim used formal and informal methods of incorporating the inputs of various project stakeholders, including experts and community members. Kim is interested in exploring the role of participatory modeling and integrative research methods to bridge the science-policy gap and increase the incorporation of scientific uncertainty in policymaking. She is passionate about STEM education and identifying effective teaching methods for students at the high school and undergraduate levels.