Geisianny Moreira
Advsior: Eric McLamore
Geisianny Moreira is a postdoctoral researcher at Clemson University. Her STEPS research explores a protein-based biosensor for monitoring phosphorus in aqueous suspensions. She works on theme 2 with Dr. Eric McLamore in Clemson’s research team. Geisianny earned a master’s and Ph.D. in Microbiology from the University of Brasilia, Brazil. She focused on soil microbiomes regarding diversity, ecology, and functionality as plant growth promoters. Her Ph.D. research received a dissertation award as Excellent Ph.D. dissertation in Microbial Biology of the Microbial biology program at the University of Brasilia in 202. Moreira’s research interest is in microorganisms-biomolecule interactions and how they can compose processes, products, or devices to solve real-world problems. Her research intention is to encompass a holistic and interdisciplinary view, seeking to integrate diverse areas of knowledge to produce solutions to environmental problems, sustainable agriculture, and human health. Geisianny is a Global Alliance for Rapid Diagnostics (GARD) member and a peer-reviewer in the BMC Microbiology journal. In her spare time, she likes to travel, try different cuisines, do yoga and read in nature.