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The Morning Star: 25-in-25, in 2500 words

The Morning Star Logo

The STEPS Center’s vision is to facilitate a 25% reduction in human dependence on mined phosphates and a 25% reduction in losses of point and non-point sources of phosphorus to soils and water resources within 25 years. This “25-in-25” vision is a difficult challenge, given the wicked nature of the phosphorus sustainability issue. Early-career STEPS scholars must navigate this challenge alongside the normal learning curve of developing their skills and finding their passion as independent researchers.

That’s why STEPS scholars are starting The Morning Star blog. The name derives from the Greek word phósphoros, which translates as “torch-bearer” or “light-bringer” and is associated with the planet Venus, or the “Morning Star.”  Just like its “torch-bearing” namesake element, the Morning Star blog shines a light on the work of STEPS scholars to develop convergence capacity at the STEPS Center.  

In the coming months, we will use this space to highlight scholar-led publications, podcasts, and presentations; tell the stories of scholars’ paths to being a STEPS researcher; and give scholars an outlet for opinion posts on relevant phosphorus-related subjects. This work will complement the scholar-led podcast, PhosForUs. In keeping with the STEPS Center’s “25-in-25” vision, every post will be 2500 words or less.

We hope that the Morning Star can be a space to show how STEPS scholars are the torch-bearers for phosphorus sustainability and essential contributors to the Center’s 25-in-25 vision.

Welcome to the Morning Star!