STEPS Attended the SciREN Triangle Networking Event 2023
The STEPS education team attended this year’s SciREN Triangle Networking Event held at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences on Thursday, September 28 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. North Carolina teachers joined NC state researchers in exploring new ways to teach about phosphate sustainability. This event marked SciREN’s 10 anniversary.
“The 2023 SCIREN event was a wonderful experience representing NC State University, the STEPS (Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability) team, and the RTNN (Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network) teachers. Educators, students, researchers, and families from all across the triangle visited the STEPS team’s table run by Dr. Gail Jones and her graduate students. Participants received materials to take back to classrooms and participated in an interactive activity called Too Much of a Good Thing. This activity involved taking on the role of scientists who had to track a fish kill resulting from excess nutrients in the river. Teachers, students, and research professionals all stopped by the tables and learned about new and exciting activities from the RTNN teachers about chemistry and other phosphorous sustainability content.”
— Kathleen Bordewieck