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Dr. Geneviève Metson on Planning Circularity for the Radically Different Food Futures We Need: Recycling P Through Biogas and Urban Agriculture in Sweden.

STEPS hosted a talk by Dr. Geneviève Metson entitled “Planning circularity for the radically different food futures we need: Recycling P through biogas and urban agriculture in Sweden” on September 1, 2022 during our learning seminar. Dr. Metson is an associate professor and docent at Linköping University, Sweden in the division of Environmental and Ecological Modeling. She uses both social and natural science methods to investigate how we can better manage phosphorus, and other resources, more sustainably across scales. She received her PhD from McGill University in Canada and has spent time working (in the field) in the US, Australia, Sweden, South Africa, Malawi, and Vietnam.